17 May 2024: NFT Storage Community Update

Welcome to the latest edition of the NFT.Storage Community Update! Dive into details about our upcoming community call, the launch of the Cultural Preservation Working Group, broadening blockchain support, and our recent success in the Gitcoin #GG20 round.
Elizabeth Griffiths
June 11, 2024

Welcome to the NFT.Storage Community Update

We are thrilled to bring you the latest updates from NFT.Storage in our community newsletter. This edition includes updates on community initiatives, product developments, and our growing ecosystem. Dive in to stay informed and see how you can get involved!

Community Engagement and Updates

Mark Your Calendars for Our First Community Call

We're excited to invite you to our first-ever community call, scheduled for Monday, May 20th at 9 PM UTC. This call is a golden opportunity for you to engage directly with our leadership team, learn more about our current and upcoming projects, and share your valuable ideas on the future direction of NFT.Storage. Contact us to get added to the calendar invite.

Launch of the Cultural Preservation Working Group

In our continuous effort to harness blockchain technology for the greater good, we are thrilled to launch the Cultural Preservation Working Group within the NFT.Storage DAO. This initiative focuses on using blockchain to ensure the sustainable preservation of arts and cultural heritage. By joining this group, you'll work alongside experts and stakeholders to develop innovative digital solutions that safeguard our rich cultural history. If you're passionate about cultural preservation and want to contribute, please email jesse@nft.storage for more details.

Welcoming New Advisor: Chris Halaska

We are delighted to announce Chris Halaska as a new advisor to our team. With his extensive background at Google and Immutable and his expertise in user experience and product design, Chris is perfectly positioned to guide our efforts. Notably, his work through Halaska Studio has been instrumental in designing both the new website and the latest version of NFT.Storage, significantly enhancing our platform's user-friendliness and functionality.

Product Enhancements and Updates

Broadening Our Blockchain Ecosystem Support

Responding to the needs of our diverse user base, we've significantly expanded our blockchain compatibility to include leading networks such as Immutable, Arbitrum, Stargaze Zone, and zkSync. This update enhances the accessibility and functionality of our services across different blockchain environments, ensuring that more users can benefit from our robust storage solutions. Have a blockchain you’d like us to support? Share your suggestions with us.

Clarifications on NFT.Storage Classic

Following some confusion regarding the use of NFT.Storage Classic, we've made important updates to our payment flow and documentation. These changes clarify that payment made in the new version of NFT.Storage is to be used only for the new web app and API, and is not needed for NFT.Storage Classic / NFTUp. 

Fund Working Group's Successful Campaign

Led by NF Thinker, our Fund Working Group recently concluded a successful campaign in the Gitcoin #GG20 round, which not only enhanced our community engagement but also positioned us strongly within the broader blockchain funding ecosystem. With 1,382 contributors, our project garnered $2,754.42 in direct funding, complemented by a potential share from a $300,000 USDC matching pool, capped at 10% per project. We joined shill sessions and got called out for our success in our first ever Gitcoin round by the organizers! You can view our round submission and the outcomes here

We are immensely grateful to everyone who contributed, demonstrating strong community engagement and belief in our mission to provide secure and long-lasting storage solutions for NFTs. As Gitcoin works on the matching results, we eagerly anticipate further opportunities to innovate and enhance our services in future rounds. Thank you once again to all our supporters for making this round a success and propelling us forward in our journey. 

Build Working Group: New Project Opportunities

NFT.Storage is actively exploring the integration of our platform as a foundational primitive within L1s and L2s. Initial discussions with L2 platforms have highlighted a significant opportunity to enhance blockchain infrastructure by embedding NFT.Storage directly into L1s such as Ethereum rather than each L2 individually. 

To strengthen our proposition, we will seek strategic alliances with other decentralized storage services, aiming to present a unified and robust EIP for Ethereum. Our efforts have been further supported by submitting similar grant proposals to both the Cardano and RARI Foundations, as we look to build a collaborative team to drive this innovation. We invite passionate contributors to join this project team and help shape the future of decentralized storage integration. Contact Elizabeth@nft.storage to get involved.

Engage and Collaborate with Us

Your involvement is vital to our success. Whether you're a developer, an artist, or an NFT enthusiast, there are numerous ways to get involved with NFT.Storage. Join our DAO to be a part of the exclusive community discussions on Discord, follow our updates on Twitter, or connect with us on LinkedIn. Your participation is crucial in helping us secure the digital future of NFTs.

Thank You for Your Continued Support

We are immensely grateful for the ongoing support from our community. Stay tuned for more exciting updates, and thank you for being an integral part of the NFT.Storage community. Your engagement and contributions are what drive us forward in our mission to provide secure, long-lasting digital storage solutions.